September 16, 2006

Good Customer Service...

I'm writing this post in response to Singlema's post on the subject.

Neiman Marcus - Here's the situation. I purchased a pant suit one year and a half earlier (than date in question). I never wore it, the tags were still in tact. So one day I was "spring" cleaning and I came across this outfit taking up space in the closet. It no longer had an appeal to me, so I was actually questioning myself as to why I purchased it. So I decided I was going to return it. Of course the receipt was gone. So I had to brain Strom, "how am I going to pull this off?" Now I knew I could return and recv store credit, but from previous experience - I know that store credit will only give me the final price of the item. So if this was on sale ever, I would be potentially receiving $20.00 instead of the $175.00 that I should be receiving..that was not going to fly....So I sat down at my computer and started scanning my bank account online. Good thing I paid with my debit card. So there I was guessing and entering dates....trying to remember when I bought it....I also had to go in archives since it was so far about 15/20 minutes later...I found it. woo hoo! So I took a post it note and wrote all the pertinent information. trans #, amount, date and etc.
So little babes and I get in the car and head to the mall. I was ready for opposition -just ready for it. I walked in there with all my answers to questions I thought they would ask me.
Straight to customer service I go, I figured that no plain teller would be able to help me - I have a special case, right?
I take the suit lay it on the table and begin my story..I'm stopped...I'm thinking, ghees - I still have my post it in my she going to shut me down? The woman behind the counter, takes the tag, turns it over.....looks at me and says, this sticker right here serves as your receipt...and very pleasantly, please take this to the department for a full refund....what!?!? You mean I didn't have to get crazy, annoyed or even roll my eyes once....darn, i was ready to
I go to the department, they pull up my transaction using the sticker on the back of the tag, call me by my name (yes, they have all that info). ask me if I want cash or credit to the card I used? Of course, I said cash....

Babes and I walked out happy - well maybe I more than her, but eighter way....that was a good day :)

They exceeded my expectations and when I graduate and get a real job again, I will visit them....

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