September 26, 2006

The College Experience

If you have been following my blog, you will know that I'm a late return-er to the college scene. I feel like a have a second chance at life...hence the name of the blog. Why am I repeating this?

If given this chance, wouldn't you appreciate it and give it your maximum potential. So why is it Tuesday night, week three or four of school and students are getting drunk? Not doing homework! Now I want to make this blog about my experiences and hopefully show that anyone can do this - there's nothing super special about me....but when I hear this certain student complain about too much homework and not enough hours in the concerns me to see her stumbling down the hall because she's on vodka drink #3.

Am I not being realistic? Putting to much pressure on myself? Possibly having too much expectations for others, which is none of my business anyway?

She's a single mom like me with a 2nd chance that she would not normally have - but somehow she's falling into the "I can do whatever I want mode." I want her to snap out of it, she has so much potential but if she screw this up - then it's over.

This posting might not really make much sense, but this is what's going throughout my mind right now?

I just feel that there are people out there that would walk, run and do whatever they needed to do to be able to have the opportunity that we have, and this woman has it and isn't appreciating it at the moment.


Sujata said...

I just read snippets of your blog and want to let you know that I think you're brave. It's great that you realized you wanted to make a change in your life and did something about it. There are so many people who don't do that.

p.s. Yes, I'll be going back to Haiti for a little stay in a few weeks, but I also have bigger plans in mind that hopefully will pan out so I can have a longer term involvement there.

2nd Chance said...

@ sujata - thanks for stopping by & thank you for your comments.
- I hope to return Haiti one day also...and it's looking like Haiti is where I would like to retire.
