July 12, 2007

Phew what a day !

It all started this morning when I woke up. I'm always running to the next place and so on. I had to be at my work(study) by 9am - it was 8:15 and I still had plenty to do before bringing my daughter to school. So anyway, I drop her off, make a quick run to Starbucks and headed back to school so I could report to work. I worked from 9am to 3pm. Then I had to run around to get my time sheet signed by all my on campus jobs and bring them to the finaid office. After doing that I needed to figure/plan what the RA/Orientation schedule is going to be like so I can plan my August. So I went to meet with my new boss(RD), she just took over the Residence Life department. I couldn't just run in and out of there - so I had to sit for a few minutes and get to know her a bit. So from there, I had to check with another office to find out what specific date during orientation I need to be at some workshops. So, now it's about 4 something and I need to eat real quick and go pick up my daughter for a 5pm appointment that she has. So, my dinner buddy was almost done with dinner - so I went to my room and prepared my books for class tonight. I go back into the kitchen and get some Tupperware and stuff some spaghetti into it and head out the door. I pick up my babes, she's gives me the run down of her day while I drive her to the appointment. So we get there, she goes in , I make a quick dash to the car to finish my dinner. By the time she's done I run over to the YMCA to meet my friend who will be taking my daughter while I dash it back to school for night class. So now it's about 6:17 (few minutes late) and I am parking the car, running into my class where I need to sit down and take an exam, this is my first time today when I can breathe(during a test). After the test, we continue on with the twenty new formulas that I need to commit to memory.

I'm just happy to be back in my room where I can rest and prepare to do it all again 2morrow.

July 9, 2007

Another Semester Down, well a summer one at least. I am horrible with this blogging thing, really bad. I need to remember my days here and this blog is the only way to do that. Anywho - I am going to make it a point to blog every week and hopefully not fall off track again.

TDS's , I have to be honest, I would love to just be here and take only the courses I need to help me with my intended career, but we need to take these other classes to make us well rounded women. I just finished a Women in Society class and have to admit that I loved it! It opened my eyes to so many theories in relation to feminist perspectives. If I had not been forced to take the course, I would have never been enlightened.

May 22, 2007

Another Semester Down

Clearly I am not doing so well keeping this blog up to date - it's unfortunate since so much happens in a week.

I just recv my grades for Spring 07 & they are nice but not exactly what I had hoped for.
A- in French & Computer Programming, B+ in Elementary Functions & Operating Systems & B in 17th Century Art. So that is 5 more classes towards my goal. So far since last August I have completed 11 courses & I'm currently enrolled in 4 over summer sessions. Moving right along

January 26, 2007

Phew, it's hard to keep up with this blog - but I must make sure I chronicle my experience here.

I had my first RA meeting tonight, I think it went well. Now I have to prepare a program for February. Mind you I have children as well as adults on my floor so I need to include everyone. This should be fun and exciting. I'm thinking of having a "bake your mom cupcakes" day. I'll work on that some more this weekend.

I also had my first student government meeting this past Tuesday, it went alright. Not too many issues as of yet, but I'm sure the problem will start rolling in as soon as the students realize we are back in session.

Work Study - I left work behind because I didn't want to have the pressures of work on my mind when I left the office. I am starting to feel that way about my work study, they have grown to trust and give me work to complete on my own, The only issue is that these assignments have deadlines and I only work 3 to 5 hours a week. I actually found myself contemplating on taking the work home with me "am I crazy?" I need to step back and just complete the work that I can during the time I have. I must remember that I am here first for school and nothing else. I need to not be so efficient (ha ha).

My classes started this past week and I'm back in the full swing of it all over again, homework, reading, assignments and research. I love it! I can see myself turning into a professional student - maybe I'll just stay in school until I obtain my PhD.

Who knows??

January 8, 2007

The Additions to the Cost of Education

I'm referring to my books. I broke down today and decided to get them. Now I would have loved to shop around, look for the best price and haggle if I could. I didn't have that option since I have no available funds to me- I needed to charge them to my student account.

Grand total $335.50 ( this is better than most)

There isn't much I can say on this subject except that I have no choice in the matter, if I weren't in school I would be spending the same amount in junk that I probably didn't need anyway - at least this way. I get an education.

Food stamp update-I spoke with the local office supervisor and she retrained her personnel on the ins and outs of whom qualifies and who doesn't. I had to submit one more sheet to plead my case - but I should be all set in about a week or so.

January 7, 2007

Food Stamps

Ok, I held out for a long time without requesting any government assistance( well I did financial aid). I receive support every 2 weeks so I thought we would be okay( ok, so I didn't qualify). We were doing just alright - but I realized something during the end of December and now January. I truly depended on the dinning hall to provide all of our meals. Now normally it does just that - I can get full breakfast, lunch and dinner. Unfortunately for me, the dinning hall was closed on December 15th. The last meal was dinner - the impact didn't hit me right away - because I went to visit and stayed with a friend in DC (and he went grocery shopping to feed my babes and I).

So I've been back to campus since around Christmas time and I've been cheffing it up since , but damn - I actually had to buy food. Ick!

So, I'm looking at these other Moms who keep using this damn card and they are eating like Kings! Um, how can I be down? Aren't we all in the same boat? So I thought! So I went through the ordeal of applying for food assistance. I went in there and supplied them with everything they needed to know about us.

So I waited and waited and finally on Thursday I receive my letter - but the envelope was a bit thin. So, I knew that couldn't be good. The freaking letter tells me that I don't qualify for food assistance because I am on the college meal plan full time. Now, when I sat with the simpleton - I told him that the dinning hall is closed for 1/2 of December and most of January. What the hell did he do wrong?

So now, I filed an appeal and waiting for my turn to tell the people exactly what I told them before. Wish me luck! My little money can only get me so far.
New Layout

I've made some changes to my blog - if you've been here before then you will have noticed. I'm still getting used to the new layout...while I was making changes and re reading some of my previous post, something came to me. One, I'm not consistent with my postings - but another that's more than that one. There isn't anything in here that talks about the bad or hard times that I'm having & believe you me - there have been a few...

So I need to do a much better job of being realistic with these postings at least for myself anyway...

January 6, 2007

First week of classes down, not so bad - this school is pretty simple if you stay on top of it. I've made some changes for the new year - OK, I'm going to try it for a month first. No more Television. I just watched way to much. I figured if I weren't spending so much time on TV - I might have earned better grades. I know the ones I received are pretty good - but if I can do better - I'm going to try. Yes, I'm a bit of an overachiever.

So far my daughter hasn't even missed the television, kids really just follow your lead. We have been having a nice time reading more books and doing allot of outside activity. I wasn't the "let's go outside to play catch type" but it's not that bad and were exercising together... so far no TV is proving to be good for her and I.

Ok, mini- mesters sound nice and easy but they are anything but. The workload is the same and you only have a little bit of time to get everything done. That is why I am so grateful to be here where I don't have to concern myself with work & bills. I thank God for this opportunity everyday.

Can we talk about this weather - it's lovely just lovely. It's January 6, 2007 and I am wearing flip flops! I dropped my daughter at dancing school this morning and took a walk to truly appreciate this weather. I know people who concern themselves with the ozone layers are having a hard time with our current temperatures - but I am loving this 60 degree weather in January. This only adds to my current great attitude :)

Now that I eliminated TV, I need to work on cutting down my computer surfing - maybe for 2009

January 1, 2007

It's a new year with new beginnings! I'm looking forward to it...it's also Haiti's Independence Day...

I spent my day cleaning out my daughter's closest and getting rid of all her old outgrown clothes and making it nice and neat for. Sometimes cleaning and organizing can be therapeutic. Especially when you do it on your own time. Tomorrow is the beginning of classes again, well at least just one class. It's the January semester and I'm taking one class starting at 9am ending at 12pm Monday through Friday. My class will end on 1/19 and then Spring semester begins on 1/22. In order to get all that I want out of my college experience, I have to keep going - whenever school is offering classes, God willing, I will be taking them.

I have to take a health class, it's only worth half a course credit, but it's required for graduation. I hear it's a killing course and the professor expects allot. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, to new beginnings..