January 8, 2007

The Additions to the Cost of Education

I'm referring to my books. I broke down today and decided to get them. Now I would have loved to shop around, look for the best price and haggle if I could. I didn't have that option since I have no available funds to me- I needed to charge them to my student account.

Grand total $335.50 ( this is better than most)

There isn't much I can say on this subject except that I have no choice in the matter, if I weren't in school I would be spending the same amount in junk that I probably didn't need anyway - at least this way. I get an education.

Food stamp update-I spoke with the local office supervisor and she retrained her personnel on the ins and outs of whom qualifies and who doesn't. I had to submit one more sheet to plead my case - but I should be all set in about a week or so.

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