Week One Down...15 More to Go!
I know that I completely fell off blogging...but I needed to get into a routine. Thanks for being patient. School is GREAT! Here is a list of the classes that I'm taking this semester:
Computer Programming & Design C++, College Writing(Lord knows I need this class), Elementary French, Discrete Mathematics ( no bathroom breaks in this class) & last but by no ways the least Beginning Dance Technique (this class brings me so much joy).
Ok, so here are some highlights:
Recognition - one of my personal goals in coming here was to make sure, that I'm not just another face in the crowd. I need and want to be someone who stands out. Someone administrators remember when scholarships and special assignments are coming around. Someone that will have absolutely no problems getting excellent recommendations to Graduate Schools (yes that is next, why not?) So I got a work study in the Registration office. Now this is the office that sets the tone for most things in higher education. Most people and forms come through this office. I placed myself right where I belong to gain as most exposure that I can.
Student Government - yes I joined that too. It's already paid off. I have had at least three administrators come up and recognize me for my efforts in our first meeting. They knew my name and now I know theirs. The great thing about this school and I'm sure with others. The Student Government here really has a say on what goes on in the college. They actually get things done. I'm looking forward to the things that are to come with this group.
Academic Advising - I meet with the Director of the Math program (my assigned advisor) and we mapped out my courses for my duration here at this college. It's a great thing I meet with her, we were able to add a course to this semester that only gets offered every other year, Discrete Mathematics. Information is power. We also determined that I will leave school with a Special Degree, A Double Major with Mathematics and Computer Science....It won't have to be a minor. Now, I can minor in something else..maybe Dance, we'll see which way the wind blows.
Women's Program - I have meet some wonderful women who are doing the same things I'm trying to do. Completing their education with kids in tow. All together there are 20 women in the program. My daughter loves the fact that she can see her friends from morning till night. The kids travel from room to room and there is always someone to play with. She has not asked me once to go back home. She has made this her home, and that means alot. No guilt over here for moving her to another state far away from everyone she knows.
Reality - I've waited so long for homework and my professors did not let me down. I have plenty to keep me busy. 6 courses, work study, motherhood and life.
All in all, it was a great week, many more to come. This is only the beginning to a bright ass future.
September 1, 2006
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I've been reading your blog for a while now and I have to say that I am so proud of you. I went back to school two years ago and it feels good and although I have days where I think "what am I doing?" I know it's worth it.
Keep it up.
By the way I visited you from Single Ma's blog.
@ survinsinglemom - thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean about those days...you will see the benefits of your hard work soon.
hey sis - thanks for stopping by - i am really happy you are able to pursue your dreams - but how is the question - im new here so i dont know how you are able to go back to school full time - are u leaving ur job ?
@ me - yes I left my full time employment of 2 plus years to return to school full time.
...and the carefree life of a student begins. HA HA HA
The student gov't involvement and workstudy will ultimately lead to internships and much BIGGER things as the years progress. Work it mama!
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