So I’m sitting in class, its draft day and we are supposed to be writing part two of our papers that were handed in last week. I clearly don’t have a clue as to what I should write, so I decided to do a quick blog entry. I’ve changed my office assistant in Microsoft about five times now. I’ve gone online to get statistics to open up with some facts relating to my topic (blogging by the way)... Still nothing – I have about 5 more minutes left in class and my paper isn’t looking to good. I need to be ready to write my paper – even though it’s a great idea for us to have time set aside in class to write, it just doesn’t work for me. I’m more of an inspired writer, when it hits me – it will hit me. Time has never moved so slow in this class. This is probably why writing or English isn’t my major or one of my favorite classes. In about three minutes, I will go to the library and check out the papers done from last year. The ones the professor thinks were really well and see if I get anything from their experiences. Me sitting here, trying to put this together isn’t working.... nope. I know I’m going in circles, but I need to get out of this classroom. Oh, now I have two minutes left. I mean its college – should I just get up and leave…nope…can’t be rude to professor. He’s sitting about 2.5 feet away from me, if I didn’t feel that he could read my screen – I would be checking my email or reading up on other blogs. I just looked over and he’s staring into his screen – but I’m sure he can see me. Yeah, it’s 10:50 and the class is over – he just made the announcement and we are free to leave…phew. Thanks for reading my blah blah blah
~update~ I decided to make an appointment for the writing lab tomorrow for brainstorming. So all isn't lost.
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