December 30, 2006

Even though I am in school full time, I remain a full time mother. I am still extremely concerned with the education that my daughter is going to receive. She is now five years old and since she missed the cut off date - she will be attending kindergarten this coming September. Although I have this great opportunity to complete my education while having her with me; the public school system here isn't exactly what I dream of. It's not horrible but it's certainly not cutting edge. I'm that kind of mom that would move to be in the "right" school district - but I can't do that now. So these are the choices that I am faced with right now:

Catholic school: I went to a catholic school from three years old till thirteen years old. I do want her to get the religion education as well as a good general education. The school I'm looking at is having an open house the last weekend in January, and I plan on being there. Also, this school comes with a tuition and did I mention that I am unemployed

Montessori Education: I am a huge fan of Montessori schools, at least the ones that follow the Maria Montessori philosophy. My daughter would excel in this type of environment - she needs that independent learning time and ability to continue on when she's ready and not when the teacher is ready. Once again, these schools come with fees and just in case you forgot - I am completely unemployed.

Public School: Now with this, there is no fee - but in life remember you get what you pay for. The school that is the closest doesn't offer full day kindergarten and my daughter is going to full day kindergarten. There is one that isn't too far away but I will need to drop her off and pick her up - which means that my schedule will have to work around hers. With my school being as small as it is, and our rotation of classes not being so hot - this might become an issue...but this will be something that I will have to work with...

The challenges of being a parent and she's only five - what's going to happen next? Parents always thinking and plotting... I am currently making my pros and cons list for these options and also looking into other options...

If anyone has any reccomendations - please let me know

1 comment:

Maria said...

Some private Catholic schools offer scholarships, so you might want to check into that. Catholic school isnt just for rich people.

They might want to know about your recent church attendance though but it's pretty easy to get around. Just register and donate at least $5/week.