August 27, 2006

Registration is 2morrow...

Finally tomorrow I will stand in a line full of students waiting for our stamp of approval to begin classes. The paid card, this is what is needed to become a member in that line. I recv'd my card this past's nice to move in early.... a few of the other ladies, don't have the the lines at financial aid and the business office will be equally as long. They might be sad faces walking around trying to figure out last minutes details on how to afford their education this semester. Thankful, I have cleared all my bases and will be able to stand in the registration line...for this I am thankful..Tuesday will be the first official day of classes.

Tomorrow will also be a day of daughter's first day in her new preschool...the little boy from the second floor who will be starting kindergarten was so adorable, us moms sat around the dinner table tonight as they disgusts on how they will be walking to see them get on the bus and then, drive over to the school to meet them getting off the might sound corny to some...but moments like these are precious to us Moms...and cannot be duplicated

For anyone else having a first, tomorrow...I wish you the best of luck


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on everything coming together and starting school!

MzNewAgenda introduced me to your blog. It's nice to see black women making positive changes in their lives and moving towards their goals.

Single Ma said...

Oh wow! Congrats and good luck! Have you started class yet? What's it like?

2nd Chance said...

@ smartblkwoman - Thank you

@ MzNewAgenda - thanks for spreading the word on my blog..I have updates to input.

@ single ma - I have started and loving the new post.