Registration is 2morrow...
Finally tomorrow I will stand in a line full of students waiting for our stamp of approval to begin classes. The paid card, this is what is needed to become a member in that line. I recv'd my card this past's nice to move in early.... a few of the other ladies, don't have the the lines at financial aid and the business office will be equally as long. They might be sad faces walking around trying to figure out last minutes details on how to afford their education this semester. Thankful, I have cleared all my bases and will be able to stand in the registration line...for this I am thankful..Tuesday will be the first official day of classes.
Tomorrow will also be a day of daughter's first day in her new preschool...the little boy from the second floor who will be starting kindergarten was so adorable, us moms sat around the dinner table tonight as they disgusts on how they will be walking to see them get on the bus and then, drive over to the school to meet them getting off the might sound corny to some...but moments like these are precious to us Moms...and cannot be duplicated
For anyone else having a first, tomorrow...I wish you the best of luck
August 27, 2006
August 22, 2006
I'm Here...
I know I fell off with the blogging...but I have been running around and trying to get acclimated to this whole process.
The packing, I was packing up to the last minute..literally as my friend was loading the truck, I was still putting things into boxes. Everything got done, items that needed to be thrown away were and everything else came with us. It was a tedious task, but one that I didn't mind doing. God willing, I will not have to move anytime soon.
Moving Day....I woke up around was eighter the anticipation of it all or the fact that I wanted to finish packing before my friend got there. I didn't want him walking in "oh lawd" this girl is going to have me here all day; even though I did. I spent so much money on gas this day...I had to pick up my friend, go get the truck and then head on home. We loaded the truck, grabbed something to eat and then headed off to school. I drove my car and he followed in the truck....I couldn't thank him enough for all his help.
My key....We arrived, my babes was knocked out in the back seat...nice ride for her...I went to the main building, picked up my key and headed on over. I get to my room and check it out. It's bigger than I expected, the bathroom even has more space. hip hip hooray...we moved in and attempted to get our selfs together...after an hour and a half and some was all done...Many more to come.
I know I fell off with the blogging...but I have been running around and trying to get acclimated to this whole process.
The packing, I was packing up to the last minute..literally as my friend was loading the truck, I was still putting things into boxes. Everything got done, items that needed to be thrown away were and everything else came with us. It was a tedious task, but one that I didn't mind doing. God willing, I will not have to move anytime soon.
Moving Day....I woke up around was eighter the anticipation of it all or the fact that I wanted to finish packing before my friend got there. I didn't want him walking in "oh lawd" this girl is going to have me here all day; even though I did. I spent so much money on gas this day...I had to pick up my friend, go get the truck and then head on home. We loaded the truck, grabbed something to eat and then headed off to school. I drove my car and he followed in the truck....I couldn't thank him enough for all his help.
My key....We arrived, my babes was knocked out in the back seat...nice ride for her...I went to the main building, picked up my key and headed on over. I get to my room and check it out. It's bigger than I expected, the bathroom even has more space. hip hip hooray...we moved in and attempted to get our selfs together...after an hour and a half and some was all done...Many more to come.
August 16, 2006
2 Days Left...
Bittersweet is all I can say about today...Today was the last day of work! I woke up this morning just ready to face whatever challenges the day might face me. Such as , make sure all reports are up to date, all items are filed and so on...
They made a feast built for king to send me was very touching. Although I am not a fan of what I do dealing with customers and such, I am going to miss my co-workers. They have kept me company for 2 years plus...somewhat like an extended family. I'm going to miss them, the office banter, the comments about management and how they do so many things days are now over.
I took tomorrow off to regroup and spend some time alone before moving to school. you know, go to the movies, get a manicure..sleep in if I can. I also plan on taking a cake to my daughter's school to help her celebrate with her friends...and to say goodbye and take some pictures...Tomorrow is her last day, just when she was loving her new teacher...sad, but we must go...
Things are really coming together, I have hella packing to do tonight...everything is coming together nicely.
Nothing new from Financial Aid, on my reduction of income form - but I am prayful that things are going to work out...since technically I am unemployed and about to become a starving student.....
Bittersweet is all I can say about today...Today was the last day of work! I woke up this morning just ready to face whatever challenges the day might face me. Such as , make sure all reports are up to date, all items are filed and so on...
They made a feast built for king to send me was very touching. Although I am not a fan of what I do dealing with customers and such, I am going to miss my co-workers. They have kept me company for 2 years plus...somewhat like an extended family. I'm going to miss them, the office banter, the comments about management and how they do so many things days are now over.
I took tomorrow off to regroup and spend some time alone before moving to school. you know, go to the movies, get a manicure..sleep in if I can. I also plan on taking a cake to my daughter's school to help her celebrate with her friends...and to say goodbye and take some pictures...Tomorrow is her last day, just when she was loving her new teacher...sad, but we must go...
Things are really coming together, I have hella packing to do tonight...everything is coming together nicely.
Nothing new from Financial Aid, on my reduction of income form - but I am prayful that things are going to work out...since technically I am unemployed and about to become a starving student.....
August 14, 2006
5 Days Left.....
Work today was great...I didn't give a damn about anything. Same reports were printed, same phone calls received. Same phone calls made. People telling me their issues or giving praise - eighter way I didn't give a fvck. There were a few times today where I just starred at the phone ringing - what are they going to do me....ha! I completed what I had set to do around 12:30 which left the rest of the day for daydreaming about school and/or web surfing. Also catching up with friends on IM from all over the US. Very productive..

Surprise, surprise...I went to lunch with a co-worker...she let it slip. What are you wearing to your "surprise" party? Surprise party? She actually used the word in the I could do was laugh as she proceeded to beat herself up for being stupid and spilling the beans. I didn't even bother to dig for details, all I know is if anyone happens to ask me to go somewhere I never been before ...I need to act surprised.. thank you friends for thinking of me.
One of the best going away gifts I have received so far is my housema
te staying away. I have not seen her in over a week. She's been staying at her boyfriend's house and I am loving it. I walk in and it's empty...I leave in the morning and it's empty. she doesn't know it, but it's one of my favorite going away gifts right micky d's "I'm loving it." Don't get me wrong...there is no bad blood well at least not on my part, but I just love having the opportunity to spend time home alone.
Packing is coming real slow...more to come 2morrow.
Work today was great...I didn't give a damn about anything. Same reports were printed, same phone calls received. Same phone calls made. People telling me their issues or giving praise - eighter way I didn't give a fvck. There were a few times today where I just starred at the phone ringing - what are they going to do me....ha! I completed what I had set to do around 12:30 which left the rest of the day for daydreaming about school and/or web surfing. Also catching up with friends on IM from all over the US. Very productive..
Surprise, surprise...I went to lunch with a co-worker...she let it slip. What are you wearing to your "surprise" party? Surprise party? She actually used the word in the I could do was laugh as she proceeded to beat herself up for being stupid and spilling the beans. I didn't even bother to dig for details, all I know is if anyone happens to ask me to go somewhere I never been before ...I need to act surprised.. thank you friends for thinking of me.
One of the best going away gifts I have received so far is my housema
Packing is coming real slow...more to come 2morrow.
August 13, 2006
6 Days Left.....
Today was a great day..I finally found an Haitian event in Maryland that I could take my daughter too. I moved here a little over 2 years ago. The Caribbean population is on and popping from where I'm from - but it was a hard find here. Now I'm leaving...intere
sting how things work. At least I'm not too far away, so I can come and go as I please.
By this time next Sunday I will be in my dorm room just waiting for things to get started. Waiting for homework to be assigned. Waiting for all my meals to be prepared for me :). Looking at this picture- many might be like "yikes." The great thing is , I get 2 rooms and a private bath. I can't ask for anything more.
Today was a great day..I finally found an Haitian event in Maryland that I could take my daughter too. I moved here a little over 2 years ago. The Caribbean population is on and popping from where I'm from - but it was a hard find here. Now I'm leaving...intere

By this time next Sunday I will be in my dorm room just waiting for things to get started. Waiting for homework to be assigned. Waiting for all my meals to be prepared for me :). Looking at this picture- many might be like "yikes." The great thing is , I get 2 rooms and a private bath. I can't ask for anything more.
August 11, 2006
7 Days Left.....
Wow, when I started my countdown 88 days - who would have though a week away would be so soon.
Wow, when I started my countdown 88 days - who would have though a week away would be so soon.
I literally have 4 working days left before I join the world of straight up college students raising children. I'm sure it's a popular club. I'm looking forward to it. I didn't do much packing today ~ hung around with my babes and a friend from out of town. Stay posted for more :)
August 8, 2006
11 Days Left......
The job must be micromanaging Operations Manager had the nerve to question some of the methods I use to get work done. After 2 years of being there - not is not the time. I march to the beat of my own drum...I thought she would catch on by now, but not yet....she goes on and on about how something that I take my time to complete isn't working with her schedule ( a report of course)...I did all but laugh in her my head, I'm thinking - I have 11 days left....move on the the next employee cause this one right here doesn't give a flying rat's ass....
Ok, today was my babes doctor's appointment. Past experience has taught me to not announce where we are going until we get there. My toddler tends to repeat and ask questions over and over again. So if she just thinks we are going for a drive, she's content with reading a book or starring out of a window. So today I go and get her. It slipped out - "we are going to the doctors" would have thought I told her that Dora was going off the air. She cried all the way there and into the lobby....the fear of being poked had the best of her. Eventually she calmed down enough for the physical - until the doctor walks in with the needle...she lost it - it was down hill from there. I'm just glad it's over, another 365 days until her next shot...
Alls well that ends well, she also passed with flying colors :) We are well on our way
I also started packing today, 3 boxes down...Lord knows how many more to go.....
The job must be micromanaging Operations Manager had the nerve to question some of the methods I use to get work done. After 2 years of being there - not is not the time. I march to the beat of my own drum...I thought she would catch on by now, but not yet....she goes on and on about how something that I take my time to complete isn't working with her schedule ( a report of course)...I did all but laugh in her my head, I'm thinking - I have 11 days left....move on the the next employee cause this one right here doesn't give a flying rat's ass....
Ok, today was my babes doctor's appointment. Past experience has taught me to not announce where we are going until we get there. My toddler tends to repeat and ask questions over and over again. So if she just thinks we are going for a drive, she's content with reading a book or starring out of a window. So today I go and get her. It slipped out - "we are going to the doctors" would have thought I told her that Dora was going off the air. She cried all the way there and into the lobby....the fear of being poked had the best of her. Eventually she calmed down enough for the physical - until the doctor walks in with the needle...she lost it - it was down hill from there. I'm just glad it's over, another 365 days until her next shot...
Alls well that ends well, she also passed with flying colors :) We are well on our way
I also started packing today, 3 boxes down...Lord knows how many more to go.....
August 7, 2006
12 Days Left....
Can you believe it's less than two weeks than 2 weeks away.. I can already smell the homework. I checked another item off my list. I completed my physical today and received a clean bill of health. Everything is running as it should be. Phew
Insurance, doctors and scams...sometimes I feel that these are all one in the same. Why is it that I am at my doctor's appointment; Mind you I was the first appointment in the morning, but somehow I still managed to wait 20 minutes to get in - what's up with that? So my eyes start wondering...oh a posting..."If you fail to contact us 24 hours before a missed appointment, you will be charged $50.00 at your next visit." ok fair enough...but then I look over to another wall..."if you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you will need to reschedule"...interesting huh- don't forget you will still pay $50....but then, this is the kicker...."if your wait is a bit longer than expected,please be patient; sometimes emergencies due come up and we will see you as soon as possible", makes you think, whatever works in their favor.....
I know this probably makes no sense to anyone else, but I am sick and tired of fees that you can do nothing to avoid.
Another one, I bring in forms that need to be signed by my physician for school purposes, There are 3 in total...she had the nerve to turn to me and say..the first page is free and each additional page is $10....yup, that's right $10 she wants me to pay her for transferring information from one page to another and then signing it...just sickening.... but what can I do, i need the forms to live in the dormitory
ridiculous fees.
Can you believe it's less than two weeks than 2 weeks away.. I can already smell the homework. I checked another item off my list. I completed my physical today and received a clean bill of health. Everything is running as it should be. Phew
Insurance, doctors and scams...sometimes I feel that these are all one in the same. Why is it that I am at my doctor's appointment; Mind you I was the first appointment in the morning, but somehow I still managed to wait 20 minutes to get in - what's up with that? So my eyes start wondering...oh a posting..."If you fail to contact us 24 hours before a missed appointment, you will be charged $50.00 at your next visit." ok fair enough...but then I look over to another wall..."if you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you will need to reschedule"...interesting huh- don't forget you will still pay $50....but then, this is the kicker...."if your wait is a bit longer than expected,please be patient; sometimes emergencies due come up and we will see you as soon as possible", makes you think, whatever works in their favor.....
I know this probably makes no sense to anyone else, but I am sick and tired of fees that you can do nothing to avoid.
Another one, I bring in forms that need to be signed by my physician for school purposes, There are 3 in total...she had the nerve to turn to me and say..the first page is free and each additional page is $10....yup, that's right $10 she wants me to pay her for transferring information from one page to another and then signing it...just sickening.... but what can I do, i need the forms to live in the dormitory
ridiculous fees.
August 5, 2006
Money, money, money and less money. Why is it that I got paid on Friday and money's already tight(last rent payment, car payment, daughter's tuition, doctor's appointments and groceries) on Sunday. Makes no sense - but this is one of the reason I'm going back to school - so that I can demand more, since I know I'm worth more...Amen
It will not always be like this ! I promise myself that..
13 Days left.....
Ask and you shall receive - this is going to be my saying for the remainder of 2006. Allow me to tell u why. After my financial aid and scholarships, there is still a balance of $4000.00 for the year. Now my last scholarship replaced a grant that the school was giving to me - so the way I saw it...there must be some left over money somewhere - right? So I called financial and asked if I could have more money(in a very nice way). After about an hour, I received a phone call, they were giving me another $1000.00( just for asking). It gets better, they inquired on where I will be working during school- I informed them that I will have no job which equals no income. At this time, she told me that I could qualify for more money since there is going to be an reduction in my income. I was so happy, I never heard of such thing. So I went online, filled out the forms and will be mailing them in on Monday. It's looking really good for me on the tuition end. So I'm keeping hope alive. I'll keep you posted on any new monies..
Ask and you shall receive - this is going to be my saying for the remainder of 2006. Allow me to tell u why. After my financial aid and scholarships, there is still a balance of $4000.00 for the year. Now my last scholarship replaced a grant that the school was giving to me - so the way I saw it...there must be some left over money somewhere - right? So I called financial and asked if I could have more money(in a very nice way). After about an hour, I received a phone call, they were giving me another $1000.00( just for asking). It gets better, they inquired on where I will be working during school- I informed them that I will have no job which equals no income. At this time, she told me that I could qualify for more money since there is going to be an reduction in my income. I was so happy, I never heard of such thing. So I went online, filled out the forms and will be mailing them in on Monday. It's looking really good for me on the tuition end. So I'm keeping hope alive. I'll keep you posted on any new monies..
August 2, 2006
17 Days Left.....
My company did not get their money's worth from me today. I most likely owe them money for all the resources that I used for non - productive time. Oh well, what can they do? Fire me!?! HA! I spent my day just surfing the net, catching up with BLOGS and reading new BLOGS.
Things left to do before the move
* Get Boxes
* Part 2 of my physical ( state of Maryland has 2 parts - ie 2 copays)
* Bring my babes to her doctor's appoinment next week
* Make a Hair Appointment ( me doing it, did not work out...set for next Wednesday)
* Make an "what's going" checklist
* Make 2 Tuition Payments ( I still have 1600 after finaid and free money)
* Get my daughter a pet (she's going to miss the cat)
* Complete my Target Wish List ( people keep asking me what I need)
* Pay my half of August of BGE bill
* Request copies of our hospital records
* Cancel my phone service
* Change my cell #(443) to a PA #(717)
* Complete my change of address
* Make notes for whomever will follow me at work-in progress
* Roll over my 401k to an IRA
* Get glasses ( i could barely see the 4th line)
* Goodbye party for my babes @ school - decided to just bring cake to her class
* Fight Cigna & Patient's First (Something was charge and not paid
* Dentist Apointments forbabes and myself - babes all set
* Find out if school insurance covers dental -emergencies only
More to Be Added as remembered
My company did not get their money's worth from me today. I most likely owe them money for all the resources that I used for non - productive time. Oh well, what can they do? Fire me!?! HA! I spent my day just surfing the net, catching up with BLOGS and reading new BLOGS.
Things left to do before the move
* Make an "what's going" checklist
* Make 2 Tuition Payments ( I still have 1600 after finaid and free money)
* Get my daughter a pet (she's going to miss the cat)
* Complete my Target Wish List ( people keep asking me what I need)
* Pay my half of August of BGE bill
* Cancel my phone service
* Change my cell #(443) to a PA #(717)
* Complete my change of address
* Make notes for whomever will follow me at work-in progress
* Roll over my 401k to an IRA
* Get glasses ( i could barely see the 4th line)
* Goodbye party for my babes @ school - decided to just bring cake to her class
* Fight Cigna & Patient's First (Something was charge and not paid
* Dentist Apointments for
More to Be Added as remembered
August 1, 2006
Ok, I've missed a few days..... but we are at 18 Days left....
so let me catch you up
Friday - I caught so much attitude from my manager for emailing my letter to the branch manager and cc'ing her and not emailing directly to her and cc'ing him. I wonder why I'm so happy to be leaving..
Frinight - Went to Adams Morgan for the first time - Somewhat enjoyed myself. Hung out with the ladies - can't complain. Why even mention this - In 18 days I will be moving to a place where I know me and my 4 year old only. So there will be no hanging out for me. Strictly books and homework ( my goal is to have a 3.7 gpa or better by graduating). We'll see, hehe
Saturday - My babes had a sleep over guest, now most people wouldn't like that(entertaining, feeding, driving, extra cleaning and etc).....but since my daughter is at that super chatty stage in her life - where every thought is a word. I don't mind sharing her conversations with other people - really! Trust me !
Sunday- Skipped church....It was time to wash and braid my baby's hair. This sounds super simple, but it's not and it's extremely time consuming. Let just say that she was born with a full head of hair - no bald spots - so now it's four years later and the hair has multiplied over and over and over again. She has a lot of beautiful thick hair- but it takes forever to complete it. I have to wash it in sections (seriously), then dry it with towel - then moustrize quickly and do section braids, then take a break, regroup and go back for the braiding. My braid can last longer than 1 month - but since it's summer and she is always in the water, after 3 weeks...we are looking fuzzzzy. Ok, it took me over 2 hours for braiding only - I am done. I actually had hand cramps. That was a first.
Monday - This was probably the most stressful day at work that I have had in along time. I smiled through it - nothing can keep me down now, I see my future ahead of me - my path is clear. All I have to do is get there.
I also recv'd my email from the Director of the program...I recv my new address, phone number and all the specifics. I am just smitten with this opportunity. When I read the email - you could have swore that some was giving me a million bucks. I was so ecstatic - the email literally wiped away all my days tensions.
so let me catch you up
Friday - I caught so much attitude from my manager for emailing my letter to the branch manager and cc'ing her and not emailing directly to her and cc'ing him. I wonder why I'm so happy to be leaving..
Frinight - Went to Adams Morgan for the first time - Somewhat enjoyed myself. Hung out with the ladies - can't complain. Why even mention this - In 18 days I will be moving to a place where I know me and my 4 year old only. So there will be no hanging out for me. Strictly books and homework ( my goal is to have a 3.7 gpa or better by graduating). We'll see, hehe
Saturday - My babes had a sleep over guest, now most people wouldn't like that(entertaining, feeding, driving, extra cleaning and etc).....but since my daughter is at that super chatty stage in her life - where every thought is a word. I don't mind sharing her conversations with other people - really! Trust me !
Sunday- Skipped church....It was time to wash and braid my baby's hair. This sounds super simple, but it's not and it's extremely time consuming. Let just say that she was born with a full head of hair - no bald spots - so now it's four years later and the hair has multiplied over and over and over again. She has a lot of beautiful thick hair- but it takes forever to complete it. I have to wash it in sections (seriously), then dry it with towel - then moustrize quickly and do section braids, then take a break, regroup and go back for the braiding. My braid can last longer than 1 month - but since it's summer and she is always in the water, after 3 weeks...we are looking fuzzzzy. Ok, it took me over 2 hours for braiding only - I am done. I actually had hand cramps. That was a first.
Monday - This was probably the most stressful day at work that I have had in along time. I smiled through it - nothing can keep me down now, I see my future ahead of me - my path is clear. All I have to do is get there.
I also recv'd my email from the Director of the program...I recv my new address, phone number and all the specifics. I am just smitten with this opportunity. When I read the email - you could have swore that some was giving me a million bucks. I was so ecstatic - the email literally wiped away all my days tensions.
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