Hair Adventures....
Ok, so I tried this twisting my own hair thing. Not so much! I had vision of what is was suppose to look like and then the result just didn't add up. I have over 400 micro locks in my hair - so I started at the bottom, the other ones didn't want to cooperate. So I kept starting over and over, the clips I purchased were just not helping out (urrrggghhhh)...Needless to say. my hair isn't done...I have decided to try again on Saturday after my daughter's karate class - this gives me more time to mess up and fix again. Oh Natural Hair - how I love it, but hate to maintain it....
I have to get it, if others can do so can I ....why spend money when you don't have to...
July 26, 2006
24 Days Left.......
I just emailed my resignation and boy doesn't it feel great. I have 16 days of employment left. Scary but exciting! Once again - I recv another freaking report with highlighted circles on knew I was way over I rolled my eyes ( juvenile - I know, but what else could I do). I still need to be here for 16 more days.
sidebar - allow me to show how power trippy my operations manager is.....I handed my letter of resignation to our Branch Manager..He read it and made his comments " you don't have to be smiling so hard while handing this over," " wipe the smirk off your face." He just doesn't understand....Anyways, he asked me if I have given this to our operations manager..I replied - I sent an email and cc'd her on it...He told me to take his name off of his and give it to her - because of hurt feelings...are we grown ups? I chuckled and responded with this " this is exactly one of the reasons I'm leaving - due to petty things like this." Even he knows that if something is not given directly to her - that everyone's day is ruined...due to her ego not being stroked enough. Pathetic..... And he's her manager
I just emailed my resignation and boy doesn't it feel great. I have 16 days of employment left. Scary but exciting! Once again - I recv another freaking report with highlighted circles on knew I was way over I rolled my eyes ( juvenile - I know, but what else could I do). I still need to be here for 16 more days.
sidebar - allow me to show how power trippy my operations manager is.....I handed my letter of resignation to our Branch Manager..He read it and made his comments " you don't have to be smiling so hard while handing this over," " wipe the smirk off your face." He just doesn't understand....Anyways, he asked me if I have given this to our operations manager..I replied - I sent an email and cc'd her on it...He told me to take his name off of his and give it to her - because of hurt feelings...are we grown ups? I chuckled and responded with this " this is exactly one of the reasons I'm leaving - due to petty things like this." Even he knows that if something is not given directly to her - that everyone's day is ruined...due to her ego not being stroked enough. Pathetic..... And he's her manager
July 25, 2006
Hair Issues
I'm on the prowl for a natural hair salon in Howard County , Maryland. It's not easy. My hair is currently in sisterlocs and I want to change to traditional locks. Why the change, for me - sisterlocks are a bit more expensive to maintain. Since I will be attending an predominately non-black college, i don't think it's going to be easy to find people to do my hair - I will have to end up driving to Maryland every four weeks. I rather not do all that if I don't have co-worker just gave me he run down on doing it myself...get some beeswax and twist - then clip...I can I can handle that....we will see
I'm on the prowl for a natural hair salon in Howard County , Maryland. It's not easy. My hair is currently in sisterlocs and I want to change to traditional locks. Why the change, for me - sisterlocks are a bit more expensive to maintain. Since I will be attending an predominately non-black college, i don't think it's going to be easy to find people to do my hair - I will have to end up driving to Maryland every four weeks. I rather not do all that if I don't have co-worker just gave me he run down on doing it myself...get some beeswax and twist - then clip...I can I can handle that....we will see
29, 28, 27, 26 and now 25 Days left.....
It's been a few since my last input...but things have been well. Ever fiber of my being no longer wants to be here ( but I must think of the paycheck). I receive my 2 weeks vacation on 8/2/06 and I must hold out to at least then. I'm requesting a payout on my last day...sweet
Over the weekend, I recv notification from school that I was awarded another's apparent that the stars are in line for me to go to school. This makes the 3rd one. I only applied for one - so I am being blessed.
I am super nervous though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I went to carmax to get a quote on my car and the price is way less than I currently owe. So it's looking like I'm going to have to float a car payment while in school. Not to sure how this is going to play out in my master plan - this remains to be seen.
It's been a few since my last input...but things have been well. Ever fiber of my being no longer wants to be here ( but I must think of the paycheck). I receive my 2 weeks vacation on 8/2/06 and I must hold out to at least then. I'm requesting a payout on my last day...sweet
Over the weekend, I recv notification from school that I was awarded another's apparent that the stars are in line for me to go to school. This makes the 3rd one. I only applied for one - so I am being blessed.
I am super nervous though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I went to carmax to get a quote on my car and the price is way less than I currently owe. So it's looking like I'm going to have to float a car payment while in school. Not to sure how this is going to play out in my master plan - this remains to be seen.
July 20, 2006
July 19, 2006
31 Days Left.....
This place did not get their money's worth from me today - not at all. Oh well, I won't dwell. I came across some nice articles/blogs from Steve Pavlina. I decided to do a college search, very random but was pleased with what came out. The one article was particular inspiring to me since I inquired my college about taking more that the standard 12 credits per semester. They didn't say no, but they didn't give the impression that this was something that should be done.....adding 1 or even 2 more classes will not overwhelm me but assist in moving closer towards my goal.....I have decided to push the issue - as long as my financial aid can help me out. Some phone will be made.
I have also decided to give up coffee ( long time coming)...In comparison to others - my coffee consumption isn't huge but I do drink one cup every week day. Is is habit or necessity? Let's be honest "habit." With that being said - I most likely won't miss it too much once I break the habit. A few months back - I quit juice all together and I have not drank Soda in over 7 years (just not for me). So it's looking like water, water and more water. Which is good and helps me skin and body overall. Eighter way, the decision has been made - no more coffee - this is going to be hard since the folks in Starbucks know me by name and drink. Not to mention my 4 year daughter knows the logo as if it appears on Nickelodeon (that's sad :( ). I've crunched the numbers and it's looking like I'm going to save somewhere in the area of $300/annually ( I'm being so modest). Considering I'm leaving gainful employment in 31 days..this was probably fortcoming....but I prefer to have control over what I do. I'll keep you posted...
This place did not get their money's worth from me today - not at all. Oh well, I won't dwell. I came across some nice articles/blogs from Steve Pavlina. I decided to do a college search, very random but was pleased with what came out. The one article was particular inspiring to me since I inquired my college about taking more that the standard 12 credits per semester. They didn't say no, but they didn't give the impression that this was something that should be done.....adding 1 or even 2 more classes will not overwhelm me but assist in moving closer towards my goal.....I have decided to push the issue - as long as my financial aid can help me out. Some phone will be made.
I have also decided to give up coffee ( long time coming)...In comparison to others - my coffee consumption isn't huge but I do drink one cup every week day. Is is habit or necessity? Let's be honest "habit." With that being said - I most likely won't miss it too much once I break the habit. A few months back - I quit juice all together and I have not drank Soda in over 7 years (just not for me). So it's looking like water, water and more water. Which is good and helps me skin and body overall. Eighter way, the decision has been made - no more coffee - this is going to be hard since the folks in Starbucks know me by name and drink. Not to mention my 4 year daughter knows the logo as if it appears on Nickelodeon (that's sad :( ). I've crunched the numbers and it's looking like I'm going to save somewhere in the area of $300/annually ( I'm being so modest). Considering I'm leaving gainful employment in 31 days..this was probably fortcoming....but I prefer to have control over what I do. I'll keep you posted...
July 18, 2006
32 More Days.......
I can feel 30, 20 and 15 coming soon.
Today is Monday and what else can I day was filled with constant reminders of why I do not want to be in lower level corporate America any longer. Nothing super annoying- just ridiculous emails and tedious request....all of them completed - but will not be missed.
Can we talk about the heat...I'm not sure when everyone is from - but it was hot as Haiti in Maryland today. Of course the A/C at work was not
working properly. A few of us are planning a coup d etat tomorrow if the situation does not improve. I'll keep you posted.
I can feel 30, 20 and 15 coming soon.
Today is Monday and what else can I day was filled with constant reminders of why I do not want to be in lower level corporate America any longer. Nothing super annoying- just ridiculous emails and tedious request....all of them completed - but will not be missed.
Can we talk about the heat...I'm not sure when everyone is from - but it was hot as Haiti in Maryland today. Of course the A/C at work was not
July 17, 2006
33 More Days
No huge complaints today except for the fact that I had been past ready to leave...other than that. I can't complain. A new co -worker was asking me about my plans..and the details started to rolling off my tongue....the "going back to school" smile just can't seem to leave my face.
As corny as I sound- I'm ready for all of the homework!
No huge complaints today except for the fact that I had been past ready to leave...other than that. I can't complain. A new co -worker was asking me about my plans..and the details started to rolling off my tongue....the "going back to school" smile just can't seem to leave my face.
As corny as I sound- I'm ready for all of the homework!
July 16, 2006
July 15, 2006
35 More Days.....
The clock is was not very productive at all. My little girl had a friend over whom is still over...they watched Lion King 1.5 and Lion King 2 until they fell asleep. They definitely burned a lot of energy running around. I'm glad they had a good time
On a different note...I must vent about Comcast! They make me so angry. Our internet has been down since last Friday (yeah I know). So I had no internet service @ home. There were times when I didn't know what to do with myself. Well anyways - we( my roommate and I) were told that a technician would be out today between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm. What a freaking window!! SO we waited and waited and waited. So finally at 4:42pm I decided to call Comcast to say WTF! While I was online with customer care, the technicians happens to call me on the other line. to say he is running behind and will be there in an hour. Shot, I already waited all day- what's another hour....right!?!
Ok, so he shows up at 6:52pm...and fixes the internet....yeah boy....he leaves and 15 minutes later - no I call him directly...he told me that he would come back...okay so he comes back and fixes the problem.....45 minutes later - no at this point I'm fuming mad!!! So now, I'm calling customer care and I tell them about themselves. He apologizes but is that helping my no internet situation! doubt it. While I'm not trying to take it out on him- my announce level is going higher and higher. So , it gets better - he is offering me another appointment for Tuesday...Wait a moment here - I have a JOB! I cannot sit and wait for freaking Comcast to get it together. So he comes back with tomorrow between 1 and 5.... so I will have to wait another day for Comcast...
Express yourself! I told him of my ordeal as if he was not already aware, and he is crediting my week without the internet...At least I will not be paying for nothing. They act as if this bill is cheap and we all know it's not....
I feel a bit better because I was actually able to fix it myself, but I won't call them and tel them that until 2morrow when I know it's working for sure.
The clock is was not very productive at all. My little girl had a friend over whom is still over...they watched Lion King 1.5 and Lion King 2 until they fell asleep. They definitely burned a lot of energy running around. I'm glad they had a good time
On a different note...I must vent about Comcast! They make me so angry. Our internet has been down since last Friday (yeah I know). So I had no internet service @ home. There were times when I didn't know what to do with myself. Well anyways - we( my roommate and I) were told that a technician would be out today between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm. What a freaking window!! SO we waited and waited and waited. So finally at 4:42pm I decided to call Comcast to say WTF! While I was online with customer care, the technicians happens to call me on the other line. to say he is running behind and will be there in an hour. Shot, I already waited all day- what's another hour....right!?!
Ok, so he shows up at 6:52pm...and fixes the internet....yeah boy....he leaves and 15 minutes later - no I call him directly...he told me that he would come back...okay so he comes back and fixes the problem.....45 minutes later - no at this point I'm fuming mad!!! So now, I'm calling customer care and I tell them about themselves. He apologizes but is that helping my no internet situation! doubt it. While I'm not trying to take it out on him- my announce level is going higher and higher. So , it gets better - he is offering me another appointment for Tuesday...Wait a moment here - I have a JOB! I cannot sit and wait for freaking Comcast to get it together. So he comes back with tomorrow between 1 and 5.... so I will have to wait another day for Comcast...
Express yourself! I told him of my ordeal as if he was not already aware, and he is crediting my week without the internet...At least I will not be paying for nothing. They act as if this bill is cheap and we all know it's not....
I feel a bit better because I was actually able to fix it myself, but I won't call them and tel them that until 2morrow when I know it's working for sure.
July 14, 2006
36 More Days
Every now and then I get a little nervous about leaving work to further my education..I'll admit I get a bit nervous. Going from a paycheck every 2 weeks to no paycheck is going to be a huge life adjustment. Where do I get my motivation from????
Freaking Micro-managers !!! This job has me sick, coming in here to do a job that I'm paid for. But then I have people who sit and review, review and re-review just because and then question every little thing. This is beyond me...this work is longer cut out for me - no longer.
Why am I upset? I'll tell you..
Our manager was out this morning and she just called in to announce that she will be sitting with people when she gets in to review reports that we have been reviewing all morning. I don't want anyone sitting with me, not now not ever......I feel like I was transported to my daughter's daycare center. I could go on and on - but there is so much history that I won't even bother.
I'm NOT going to MISS the daily grind of completing reports and then having someone review them to ask you the same questions that you just answered....
When things like this happen - I am ECSTATIC that I have an out...another choice...It's going to be hard - but it will be well worth it in the end.
Every now and then I get a little nervous about leaving work to further my education..I'll admit I get a bit nervous. Going from a paycheck every 2 weeks to no paycheck is going to be a huge life adjustment. Where do I get my motivation from????
Freaking Micro-managers !!! This job has me sick, coming in here to do a job that I'm paid for. But then I have people who sit and review, review and re-review just because and then question every little thing. This is beyond me...this work is longer cut out for me - no longer.
Why am I upset? I'll tell you..
Our manager was out this morning and she just called in to announce that she will be sitting with people when she gets in to review reports that we have been reviewing all morning. I don't want anyone sitting with me, not now not ever......I feel like I was transported to my daughter's daycare center. I could go on and on - but there is so much history that I won't even bother.
I'm NOT going to MISS the daily grind of completing reports and then having someone review them to ask you the same questions that you just answered....
When things like this happen - I am ECSTATIC that I have an out...another choice...It's going to be hard - but it will be well worth it in the end.
July 13, 2006

and still so much to do. I need to schedule physicals for my daughter and myself. I still haven't recv the daycare paperwork. Thank goodness I confirmed her enrollment so else I would be freaking out. I'm debating on selling or keeping my car. I need something to drive but could be without the car payments. I will be visiting car dealerships this weekend for quotes - just in case anyone is interested...My Mazda protege( but mine is black).
Savings !! Where are you? I need you, need you , need you. I have decided to open a savings account - now the question is...Where will the money come from??? From what I can see - Work Study will be my only option. Now I understand that these paychecks are extremely tiny but something has got to give.
July 12, 2006
38 More Days Left ....
I finally have a blog! I've been reading others and just felt like writing my own.
I have 38 more days left...38 more days left of what you might say. 38 more days until I move to Pennsylvania to start a new chapter in my life. I have decided to go back to school full time. People do this all the time, but this is huge for me. I have been struggling to go to school, work full time ( and part time job) and raise my beautiful 4 yr old daughter....phew
I will no longer have to do this, I found a college that allows women with children to live on campus. It gets better while I'm in class, my daughter will be in school on campus. This is definitely on my list of luxuries.
So, this is a blog right- which means I can pretty much ramble..
Once you have made a decision in life - you want to work towards that goal, you want everything that you do to be able to help you reach that goal. I say this because I'm still at work and everyday I'm here...It makes me happy that I have have another option . The day to day grind of a job that you have no passion for can get boring real quick. I past that point months ago....but I still have to wait my 38 days...
I finally have a blog! I've been reading others and just felt like writing my own.
I have 38 more days left...38 more days left of what you might say. 38 more days until I move to Pennsylvania to start a new chapter in my life. I have decided to go back to school full time. People do this all the time, but this is huge for me. I have been struggling to go to school, work full time ( and part time job) and raise my beautiful 4 yr old daughter....phew
I will no longer have to do this, I found a college that allows women with children to live on campus. It gets better while I'm in class, my daughter will be in school on campus. This is definitely on my list of luxuries.
So, this is a blog right- which means I can pretty much ramble..
Once you have made a decision in life - you want to work towards that goal, you want everything that you do to be able to help you reach that goal. I say this because I'm still at work and everyday I'm here...It makes me happy that I have have another option . The day to day grind of a job that you have no passion for can get boring real quick. I past that point months ago....but I still have to wait my 38 days...
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